Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall at the Trover's

We have had a great few months and I thought I would share some of the photos with you. We are all doing great and I hope you are as well.

Scott realized one of his dreams and was able to go fishing in Montana with friends from work... he loved it and can not wait to take the boys one day
The boys... Well they started school in September (which was very hard for their mother... talk about a big fat blubbering mess) hehheh! but we made it. The boys absolutely love school and are doing very well. Their teacher Mrs. Bear is very good with them and in just 2 months they are already starting to read words... I can't believe it! On the same day as school started SAM lost his FIRST TOOTH.. He is so proud and shows everyone! The Tooth Fariy did a stand up job... according to him. He saved the dollars in his piggy bank but demanded that he buy sothing at the school vending machine with the quarters... candy of course :). Then Halloween. Which according to Sam and Morgan is the best Holiday Ever.. (well next to their Birthday and Christmas :) Sam was the White Power Ranger and Morgan was Wolverine. They had a great time at their Kindergarten parade and party. Then we went to my dads work for some Trick or Treating and they ended up on the 12:00pm news! It was soo funny.. they sat right on the anchors laps and had a great conversation about Halloween... Neither one was shy which amazed me... maybe they will be News Reporters like their Papa... to finish the day... Trick or Treating with Dad...
Now the Holidays are here and we will have a lot going I am sure you will.. Please know that we love you all and wish the very best Holiday Season to all of you...