Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall at the Trover's

We have had a great few months and I thought I would share some of the photos with you. We are all doing great and I hope you are as well.

Scott realized one of his dreams and was able to go fishing in Montana with friends from work... he loved it and can not wait to take the boys one day
The boys... Well they started school in September (which was very hard for their mother... talk about a big fat blubbering mess) hehheh! but we made it. The boys absolutely love school and are doing very well. Their teacher Mrs. Bear is very good with them and in just 2 months they are already starting to read words... I can't believe it! On the same day as school started SAM lost his FIRST TOOTH.. He is so proud and shows everyone! The Tooth Fariy did a stand up job... according to him. He saved the dollars in his piggy bank but demanded that he buy sothing at the school vending machine with the quarters... candy of course :). Then Halloween. Which according to Sam and Morgan is the best Holiday Ever.. (well next to their Birthday and Christmas :) Sam was the White Power Ranger and Morgan was Wolverine. They had a great time at their Kindergarten parade and party. Then we went to my dads work for some Trick or Treating and they ended up on the 12:00pm news! It was soo funny.. they sat right on the anchors laps and had a great conversation about Halloween... Neither one was shy which amazed me... maybe they will be News Reporters like their Papa... to finish the day... Trick or Treating with Dad...
Now the Holidays are here and we will have a lot going I am sure you will.. Please know that we love you all and wish the very best Holiday Season to all of you...

Monday, August 25, 2008


Ohhh... summer time! I hope you enjoy the pics... Like I said below sorry the pics are all mixed up... and I did give a little write up on all the events at the end...

Love these boys!


Sorry about the pics being a little mixed up.. but I have been having issues (as always) with my computer skills... Here they are though.. I wrote a little summary of everything below... love ya!

The hike to the Arch was great but way windy!! Look at that hair! :)

Hi there! Wow I hope that everyone is doing well... We have had quite a summer so far.. Sam and Morgan have been attending a summer Camp which has had them very busy and doing a lot of outside activity so that has been great. Scott and I have been working and well..... yeah working just about sums it up.. hehehe We have had some fun though and so I thought I would share some of the things we did with our little ones!

In May we went to Moab with Scott's family for a little hiking and relaxation.. It was a great trip and the boys had fun with their cousins.

In July Scott took the boys to his Grandparents for the Balloon Festival.... The boys loved the balloons and most of all visiting with their Great Grandparents... they keep asking to go back. :)

And Just this last week we took the boys to Disneyland and the Beach... We had a great time and loved spending the time with our boys... I can't believe how big they are now and I am looking forward to this year... They start school on September 2nd....

Well, Love you all...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Soccer!

Well... Soccer is over and we had a great time. Overall the boys did great and we had a blast watching them. Thanks to the love and support from all the family that came to the games. It really did mean a lot to them and us. Summer is near and I am sooo looking forward to the warm weather. I think we have some fun things ahead.
Lots of love to all of you!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Soccer Time

Soccer Time! Saturday was the boys first game and they are loving it! Morgan scored his first goal (at the wrong goal, hehehehehh, but we are not saying anything to him... He is so proud!) Sam was first on the field, as always, and he did great dribbling the ball.... He is a great player and all the kids love him! I hope to have more pics to share so stay tuned :)
Love you always.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Is In The Air

Hey there! Well Spring is in the air and we are loving it! The boys have had a blast spring skiing and playing outside with their friends.. They are looking forward to soccer and all of our upcoming outside activities. We are headed to Moab in May and as you can see in the pics they can not wait to use their hiking backpacks and bandannas that the Easter Bunny gave them... Way to go Easter Bunny :) Anyway- I hope everyone had a great Easter and that life is treating you well... ALL MY LOVE ALWAYS!

Monday, February 4, 2008

We Are Back!

Wow it has been a while... Sorry for the delay. Things have been pretty crazy though. Christmas was awesome, New Years Eve Jacque's little girl was born, and on the 10th of Jan the boys turned 5! We celebrated with a B-day party at Fat Cats and invited all of their cousins and friends from school. It was a very crazy event but the boys had a blast and evey weekend since they have been asking to go back. Thanks to everyone who came and gave presents, I think we just opened the last one tonight.... I hope anyway... Thoes toy packages are a pain to open... WOW I feel like a retard trying to get into them. All the while my boys sit there patiently... well impatiently explains it better... but never the less sitting there waiting for me to get into the package... hehehehhehehe. I hope I am not the only one who goes through this....

Anyway. We are having a great month.... I love Valentines... it gives me an excuse to tell my babe just how much I love him...The boys are doing well.. School is keeping them busy and they are having fun in the mounds of snow we are getting... They are waiting for their skiing days to start.. (Scott and I like it to be a little warmer for them) and they keep asking when we are going to go so hopefully that will be soon. They should have a great time and I will post some pics when I can.

I hope all of you are doing well and that you have a great month. Is spring here yet? Man.... I wish it was...

Love ya,